The HopBarn is hosting a bird related postcard hunt based on the bird sighted on this land since 2009. There are 12 to collect and those who successful in completing this collection is entitled to claim 2 free tickets to our Autumn Arts trail - Living Landscape as well as other offers and discounts by participating collaborators.
List of prizes to collect
Email us a photo of yourself holding all 12 postcards and inform us which prize you would to collect from the choices below. For tickets for our Autumn arts trail, choose a date and time slot. For discount vouchers or free drink, a digital voucher will be emailed to you to present at the shop.
2 free tickets to
our Autumn Arts trail.
10% off discount at Southwell Gallery
Claim a free drink at one of our live music event
Start the Bird hunt!
Look below for locations
Located on King St., Southwell, Mui Mui is a boutique gift shop specialising in toys, clothes and beautiful educational toys for babies and toddlers.
Lookout for her post blush pink front and enter to request for a House Martin postcard.
House Martin
Delichon urbicum
UK Conservation: Amber
Natural habitats: Farmland, Urban and suburban, Wetland
Enter here to collect a House Martin
Our toys
Conveniently situated in Newark Castle station. This grade II listed station was built in the Italianate style in 1846 and has been sympathetically restored to its former glory.
They offer a wide variety of menus from takeout tapas to Gourmet hampers.
Their community cafe also supports those in need through this difficult times. To volunteer and to help towards their cause, click here.
Located on King St. is a music shop offering musical instruments and accessories such as acoustic guitars, ukuleles, violins, tambourines as well as fabulous prints on canvas and vinyl records. You will be spoilt for choices with 4,000 vinyl titles to choose from.
Fancy having a go with a new instrument? Step in and book a lesson on the guitar or the ukulele!
Pyrrhula pyrrhula
UK Conservation: Amber
Natural habitats: Woodland, Farmland, Urban and suburban
Enter here and collect Bullfinch
Our instruments
MHA, established in 1989, is the largest charity care provider for older people across the UK.
There are now over 50 Live at Home Schemes, enabling older people to maintain their independence and live more fulfilled lives, to relieve social isolation and encourage older people to take an active part in the communities.
To volunteer, click here.
Blue Tit
Yaniestes caeruleus
UK Conservation: Green
Natural habitats: Woodland, Farmland, Urban and suburban
lorum ipsum
lorum ipsum
Located @ Southwell Memorial Park, or by the popular playground, you can find Nellie at the Park. She serves hot & cold drinks, with light snacks, free fruit and water for kids! There is also
water and treats for dogs. Just the perfect recharge for parents while their little ones deplete their batteries.
House Sparrow
Passer domesticus
UK Conservation: Green
Natural habitats: Farmland, Grassland, Heathland, Urban & suburban, Wetland
Find me
Our menu
Situated just 2 miles from the historical Minster Town of Southwell, The HopBarn offers a secluded get away for anyone wishing to experience the English countryside.
The HopBarn also supports artists from various disciplines, to give them space and quiet contemplation towards their practice.
Barn Owl
Tyto alba
UK Conservation: Green
Natural habitats: Farmland, Grassland, Marine and intertidal, Wetland
Beyond our front door is private access to an abundance of wildlife.
The HopBarn offers 3 large bedrooms (2 ensuite) with self-contained kitchen and living spaces.
Falco tinnunculus
UK Conservation: Amber
Natural habitats: Farmland, Grassland, Heathland
lorum ipsum
lorum ipsum
Turdus merula
UK Conservation: Green
Natural habitats: Woodland, Farmland, Grassland, Urban and suburban
lorum ipsum
lorum ipsum
Yellow Wagtail
Motacilla flava
UK Conservation: Red
Natural habitats: Farmland, Grassland, Wetland
lorum ipsum
lorum ipsum
Vanellus vanellus
UK Conservation: Red
Natural habitats: Farmland, Grassland, Marine and intertidal, Upland, Wetland
lorum ipsum
lorum ipsum
Linaria cannabina
UK Conservation: Red
Natural habitats: Farmland, Grassland, Heathland, Urban and suburban
lorum ipsum
lorum ipsum
Aluda arvensis
UK Conservation: Red
Natural habitats: Farmland, Grassland, Heathland, Marine and intertidal, Upland
lorum ipsum
lorum ipsum
In the next few weeks, 12 bird postcards will fly from The Hopbarn to make a new home in different locations. Can you find them all?